

Workday1Workdays for 2024
Saturday 23rd March (The Great British Spring Clean)
20th April
18th May
15th June
20th July
17th August
7th September
14th September
28th September
19th October
2nd November (if required)

Starting at 9:30am, with lunch at around 12:30pm. We are however somewhat weather dependent — so if it is forecast to be very hot we might start early, and if it is forecast to be stormy we may cancel. Do check the website.

Once a month through the spring, summer and autumn a group of volunteers meet to help keep the green in good heart for people and wildlife.

Along the way they get fresh air and exercise beside the river in good company, and leave with the warm glow of knowing that The Pits are very far from being the pits.

We’ve named them Harding’s Fensibles and their input and commitment is invaluable in making the community green a community area in every sense of the word.

Lunch — generally home-made soup and rolls — is provided as are coffee and tea and biscuits.


Time spent and the amount and degree of work accomplished is entirely up to each individual — it isn’t a boot camp, although we advise that boots, or at least stout footwear should be worn.   This is not the occasion for designer clothes either.

Hand tools and thick gardening gloves are provided though some Fensibles prefer to bring their own.

We meet at the HPCA allotment HQ, see map below, from 9.30am and work through to lunch at around 12.30pm.   After a good break some go back to work — others depart.

Tea & coffee are available all day  A lavatory and hand-washing facilities are on site.

So, what do we do?   Inevitably the great bramble battle.   The Pits produces some of the best blackberries in the town; so good that when the community green was set up all the locals demanded their continuance no matter what else was to be there.   But that comes with a penalty and unless continually cut back these brutes would take over.   That’s only a part.   There’s general tidying up, which includes litter picking, (using appropriate equipment — supplied), raking up grass, some pruning as trees mature.

If you’ve never been on The Pits on a bright spring morning, a limpid summer afternoon or a glowing autumn day come and find out what you’ve missed.   Call Jane KL 760513 or e-mail email hidden; JavaScript is required to learn more.

HPCA volunteers are fully insured and we have trained first-aiders on site, though we haven’t needed them.   Yet.

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